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崇明老滧河景观概念设计方案 西苑名住宅小区景观设计 上海滨江公园二期景观设计方案 苏州上方山森林植物园,动物园,游乐园 上海 F1 国际赛车配套区中心湖岸景观设计 徐州站区站前广场规划设计方案 江西省吉安市神岗山公园景观设计方案 宁波市植物园景观设计方案

上海 F1 国际赛车配套区中心湖岸景观设计



Shanghai International Circuit supporting area of Central Park Lake Recreation Area is located in Yining Road, Road

planning, planning within the area enclosed Rd. the center lake water area of 12 hectares. Case with Chinese calligraphy as

the basic design concept into the design of the cursive document intended, on the one hand through Chinese traditional

calligraphy and traditional Western racing this corresponds to the modern movement, reflecting the speed of the East and

West for different interpretations and understanding.